Three students of Assistant Professor Chen Hsiu-Tsu at the Department of Fashion Design and Management professor recently travelled to Korea to take part in in the 2018 International Beauty Artist Contest where they tallied up a total of eight medals in five categories.
The trio, consisting of He Hsiu-Rong, Hsiao Yi-Ting and He Yi-Hsuan contended against other entrants and each other in an excellent demonstration of technical skill.
He Hsiu-Rong won the gold medal in three categories, including Facial Skin Beauty, Eye-Lash Extension Technique and Hair Removal Technique. Hsiao Yi-Ting won the gold medal the Back Care (Salon) category and the silver in both Fingernail Care and Facial Skin Beauty. He Yi-Hsuan took the silver medals in the Eye-lash Extension Technique and Fingernail Care categories.
Professor Chen expressed that “the Fashion Department students toiled and endured, often using extracurricular time and staying behind until late at night to prepare for the competition. They integrated aesthetic theory with practical experience — taking the initiative to continuously practice and revise until became very adept in each of the areas. The students have also been very active to take part in all sorts of competitions and have gained lots of experience as a result. During this current competition their smooth, soft, elegant — but not flashy — aesthetic techniques were affirmed. For He Hsiu-Rong to win three gold medals was not an easy task, but her hard work prior to the competition has paid off”.
The triple gold medalist reflected, saying “through the processes of leaning I think the key to success was in patients. Whether it is in competition or in serving customers, only by patiently performing every step can you produce they best results.” With respect to her future plans Hsiu-Rong added that “while at university I will work hard to train myself, and hope that in the future I will be able to have my own studio and use the skills that I have developed to serve many customers.”